Wednesday, December 30, 2015

King Bibi's dangerous legacy

Judging by Nir Hefetz, the former journalist who serves as the Netanyahu family spokesman, the State of Israel is in big trouble. On Dec. 25, Hefetz appeared on Channel 2's prime time evening news. He was invited to the show to respond to allegations that the attorney general had been pressured to shelve numerous investigation files concerning the Netanyahu family (such as the Bibitours affair, travel expenditures, the Bottlegate affair, an electrician's visit to the premier's residence on Yom Kippur and garden furniture misappropriated for the premier's private home).
Hefetz said, “If Netanyahu is shunted aside, the State of Israel will probably have to give up many strategic assets.” The way the prime minister has been handling himself indicates that Hefetz was expressing the views of his boss and of the Netanyahu household. In the premier's official residence on Jerusalem's Balfour Street and at the family villa in Caesarea, Netanyahu is considered one of a kind, indispensable. Not just a man; an asset. Up to now, the term “strategic asset” was reserved for what foreign sources call Israel’s “nuclear deterrence” at that secret installation in the town of Dimona. Any attempt to raise the curtain covering the reactor is deemed gravely harmful to a strategic asset. Ask Mordechai Vanunu.
Netanyahu’s inner circle wants to hammer home the message that the people of Israel should be thanking God for deigning to crown this special man as their ruler. Such an asset must be protected at all costs. He must be insulated against anything that might distract him from his sacred toil in the service of his people. How many prime ministers in democratic states are willing to take on not only their own job but also to assume responsibility for the Foreign Ministry as well as the ministries of Communications, Economy and Regional Development? How many world leaders manage to dedicate their energies, talents and time to political wheeling and dealing to maintain control of their party’s institutions?
If he could do so legally, Netanyahu would also appoint himself attorney general. By so doing, he would become immune to harassment by police investigators and state prosecutors. The attorney general is the only person who does not answer to the prime minister. He is empowered to order the indictment of the prime minister or the closing of a case bearing his name. The only institution authorized to overturn the attorney general's decisions is the Supreme Court.
Ironically, Netanyahu is to blame for the government losing its mandate to appoint an attorney general of its choice, someone like current Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein, whose term expires at the end of January 2016. To move his Cabinet secretary, Avichai Mandelblit, to the attorney general's office in the Justice Ministry, a special committee of jurists had to be convinced beyond doubt that Mandelblit was the most suitable candidate for the job. The panel was established in 1997 following revelations about the ugly scheme cooked up by Netanyahu and Shas leader Aryeh Deri, known as the “Bar-On-Hebron” affair. The two put together a deal: Shas, in the Knesset, would support an agreement handing security control over certain parts of Hebron to the Palestinians in return for the appointment of Jerusalem Likud politico Roni Bar-On as attorney general. As part of the deal, Bar-On was supposed to strike a plea bargain in Deri's criminal investigation. Eventually, the appointment of Bar-On was foiled. Deri was convicted of bribery and sentenced to two years in prison.
Then-State Prosecutor Edna Arbel determined that the deal was a criminal plot to take over the attorney general’s office in order to serve the interests of criminal elements. But Elyakim Rubinstein, who was appointed to the job instead of Bar-On, decided there was insufficient evidence to try Netanyahu. Rubinstein (who had also held the job of Cabinet secretary prior to being appointed attorney general) also rejected Arbel’s recommendation to indict Netanyahu in an affair concerning the Amadi moving company. Avner Amadi, the owner of the company, claimed that during a period of three years (when Netanyahu was first prime minister) he completed several private moving services for the Netanyahus, but was never paid for them. He sent a bill for 440,000 shekels ($110,000) to the prime minister's office and demanded to be paid. In September 2000, Arbel recommended to indict Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu for fraud and to indict Netanyahu alone for breach of confidence.
The conduct of Attorneys General Aharon Barak and Yitzhak Zamir, both independent jurists and law professors, are instructive in explaining why Netanyahu went to so much trouble to appoint someone who would be in his debt. Barak took a strict line at the time on the foreign bank account of the Rabin family affair. This approach brought about Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s 1977 resignation. Zamir’s refusal to cooperate with Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir in covering up the execution of the bus hijackers in 1984 brought about the resignation of Shin Bet Director Avraham Shalom. At the end of the day, Zamir had to pay for his much publicized confrontation with the prime minister and was removed from his position as attorney general.
In both cases, the influence of the attorneys general went beyond the realm of the criminal to the personal. Barak ruled that in dealing with suspected violations of the criminal code, a prime minister and a construction worker are one and the same. He would not have entertained the notion that if Rabin were shunted aside, Israel would have to give up many strategic assets. Zamir cleaned up the Shin Bet and brought about passage of the Shin Bet Act. On the Shin Bet's website, a passage reads that the organization set out to learn the lessons of the Rabin affair “thoroughly and in-depth, both in terms of values and of professional standards, resulting in the formulation of new codes of conduct and work procedures. Eventually, this led to the formulation of the Shin Bet agency’s values and the passage of the Shin Bet Act.”
The prime minister's candidate easily got past the selection panel, another significant step in a series of appointments of confidantes to key posts. Netanyahu is definitely an important asset to members of his party — but a dangerous liability to his society. He is ruining the prospects of an arrangement with the neighbors, isolating Israel and nurturing hatred and fear. And he is doing all this while practicing democracy in name only, displaying rare maneuvering skills with a narrow coalition of 61 Knesset members. Were he to display an iota of the same talent to promote the state’s strategic interests, Netanyahu would be a worthy candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Jewish Greatest Genocidal Criminals -Part I

ince the beginning of human history we have witnessed so many genocidal murderers; kings, presidents, military leaders and political clergy, who called for, advocated and perpetrated genocidal crimes against whole nations. A thorough study of those criminals shows clearly that the worst genocidal murderers throughout history were mostly Jews.

One can clearly detect a Jewish genocidal characteristic in their leaders and their Rabbis since the beginning of their history starting with Moses along with other leaders and Rabbis such as Joshua, David, Samuel, Saul, Solomon, and others until present day Israeli leaders such as Ariel Sharon, Ovadia Yosef, Shimon Perez, Benjamin Netanyahu, Tzibi Livni, Ehud Barak and all the Israeli Prime Ministers and Rabbis since the establishment of Israel.
While the Jews ferociously attack any non-Jew, who criticizes them or exposes their crimes, they cherish and honor their own genocidal criminals and brag about them in their own literature, their own Jewish media, and even in their own religious books; e.g. the Torah, Encyclopedia Judaica, Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Who is Who in American Jewry, and many Israeli newspapers such as Ynet and many others.
It would take many volumes to list those Jewish criminals throughout history; therefore I will limit the two parts of this article to some of their twentieth century criminals and let the readers do their own research about the thousands others.
Jews are generally brainwashed to believe themselves to be God’s chosen people and all other nations are their slaving servants. Their elite strive to control global finance one country at a time on their way to building their Jewish Israel in Palestine to be the control center of the whole globe. Through their crooked system of usury they were able to control the fate of empires starting from the Roman Empire up to the present USA. They incite hatred, ethnic conflicts and religious wars pitting Christians against Moslems to destroy these empires to eliminate any rival empire to their dreaming Jewish Israel. Their favorite operating mode is through the Crypto-Jews, who seemingly convert to other religions, change their names and perpetrate genocides to blame it on others.
In 1915 those crypt-Jews perpetrated the Armenian genocide and blamed it on the Turks. The Ottoman Empire was controlling Palestine sought to become the Jewish state, and had rejected the Rothchild’s offer to buy it. The Zionist Israelite Community of Salonika, Greece, financed the Turkish “Committee for Union and Progress” (Ittihad ve Terakke) formed mainly by crypto-Jews, to overthrow the Turkish Empire in what is known as the “Young Turk Revolution” of 1908. This revolution was in fact a Jewish take over led by crypto-Jews, as exposed by Sir Gerard Lowther, the ambassador of the United Kingdom to the Ottoman Empire.
After the “Young Turk Revolution” new leaders of the Ottoman Empire such as Mustafa Kemal Pasha (Ataturk), Tala’at Pasha, Djavid Bey and many others were crypto-Jews. They controlled the Empire and took the opportunity to mass murder the Armenian Christians; the Turkish intelligentsia at the time, who composed the very rich and influential middle class. Tala’at Pasha was the principal organizer of the massacre and deportation process. Armenian men were mass murdered in their own suburbs, and the women along with children and the elderly were deported to the Syrian Desert and left there to die without any food or water. The result was 1.5 million Armenian dead.
The Jews wanted a global religious war between Christian Europe and Moslem Ottoman Empire in the hope to secure Palestine for themselves. In order to entice Christian Europe to attack the Ottoman Empire with the justification of protecting Christians, crypto-Jews slaughtered Armenian Christians and blamed it on the Moslem Turks. Other Christian ethnic groups, such as Assyrians and Greeks, were also targeted.
Turks, rather than Jews, are still to date blamed for the Armenian Genocide. For further in depth research refer to Christopher Jon Bjerknes thorough research “The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians”. You can also watch “Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians” on youtube.
The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 has led to the genocide of about 100 million Christian Russians. Many don’t know that the Bolshevik Revolution was in fact a Jewish revolution. The National Geography Magazine’s May 1907 edition stated that “Revolutionary leaders nearly all belong to the Jewish race and the most effective revolutionary agency is the Jewish Bund …”
Nobel prizewinner Russian historian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn blamed the Jews for the Russian revolution and genocide in his two books “The Gulag Archipelago” and “Two Hundred Years Together”.
Winston Churchill called the Bolshevik Revolution a Jewish movement in his article “Bolshevism versus Zionism” in the “Illustrated Sunday Herald” on February 8th, 1920. He described communism as a “sinister confederacy on International Jews, who have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.”
In his book “Les Derniers Jours des Romanofs” (The Last Days of the Romanovs) Robert Wilton; the renowned foreign correspondent for “The Times of London”, reported that out of the 384 Russian commissars there were 300 Jews, 264 of them came from the US since the downfall of the Imperial Government, and he listed the names of all the Jewish leaders of the revolution.
Reports by Captain Schuyler, an American army intelligence officer in Russia during the Russian Revolution, are kept in the US National Archives in Washington. In his March 1919 report he stated that “… the Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginning guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest type.”
“The American Hebrew Magazine” in New York stated in its September 10th, 1920 edition that “The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our plan is to have a New World Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia is going to become reality for the whole world.
Encyclopedia Judaica boosts that the Bolshevik Revolution was so Jewish that Jewish leaders were instructed to change their names in order to hide the Jewish domination. The founder of the Red Army Leon Trotsky (real name Lev Bronstein) and Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs Maxim Litvinov are listed as Jews in “Who’s Who in World Jewry”. Karl Marx is listed in the “Inside Judaica” as a Jew from a long line of Talmudic scholars and had learned communism from Zionist Moses Hess. Lenin (real name Vladimir Ulyanov) was partly Jewish, married to a Jew, and defended Jewish superiority.
According to Rabbi Marvin Adelman’s book “To Eliminate the Opiate” Jacob Shiff, the Jewish American capitalist from banking firm Kuhn and Leob, had financed the Jewish communist revolutionaries with $24 millions, and received as an investment return 100 million Russian Rubles.
In December 1917 Lenin established an intelligence body known as Cheka (later was known as GPU, NKVD and then KGB) allegedly to combat counter-revolutionaries and saboteurs. Cheka was headed by Jew Genrikh Yagoda (Yahuda), who was responsible for the death of about 66 million Russians; politicians, educators, industrialists, Christian priests and others; victims of forced collectivization policy, hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions and mass deaths in the Gulag concentration prison camps. He had expropriated the properties of rich middle class and large Church properties. Churches and Mosques were his target of demolition while Jewish synagogues and properties were kept intact. Yagoda (Yahuda) was responsible for the execution of millions of Russians and the imprisonment of other millions in the Gulag prisons, where he and other Jewish commanders; such as Lazar Kogan, Yakov Rappaport, Naftaly Frenkel, Aaron Solts and Matvei Berman, administered 11 out of 12 Gulag death concentration prisons between the years of 1930 – 1938. Yagoda (Yahuda) is considered the greatest Jewish genocidal murderer of the 20th century, yet very few people are aware of this fact while Hitler’s alleged and still contested Holocaust with less than 0.1% victims in comparison is very well known around the globe.  
Lazar Kaganovich was another Jewish genocidal murderer in Russia. With his sister (Rosa) as married to Stalin and his son (Mihail) married to Stalin’s only daughter (Svetlana) Lazar Kaganovich was assured highest political positions after Stalin himself. He implemented Stalin’s industrialization and collectivization policies in the most cruel ways that he was responsible for the deaths of at least 20 million people including the 1932/33 Ukrainian Holodomor (hunger Holocaust) where 8 million Ukrainians died of starvation. He personally oversaw the grain confiscation in Ukraine causing the Holodomor. The Soviet Archives in Moscow state that “Famine in Ukraine was brought on to decrease the numbers of Ukrainians, replace the dead with people from other parts of the USSR, and thereby to kill the slightest thought of any Ukrainian independence.”
Kaganovich had personally signed the execution orders for at least 36,000 people. His policies had also inflicted enormous suffering on other Russian regions such as Kazakhstan, the Kuban region, the Lower Volga region, northern Caucasus, Siberia, and Kulaks.  In 1957 Nikita Khrushchev accused him of having murdered 20 million Russians, which he did not deny but answered that Khrushchev himself has as much blood on his hands.
For further in depth research refer to “Behind Communism” by Frank Britton, “Stalin’s willing Executioners” by Yuri Slezkine, “The Rulers of Russia” by Rev. Denis Fahey, and “The Secret Behind Communism” by David Duke.
While the Jews had burdened the Western World with the guilt for their alleged 6 million Holocaust and, still up to date, demand millions of Dollars in reparations, they themselves have not acknowledge their own direct guilt in the Armenian, the Russian and the many other mass genocides they perpetrated against many nations throughout history. The Jews give themselves the right to accuse others of genocides but do not allow the others to utter a word about Jewish genocidal crimes or even to investigate the validity of their Holocaust. They use this latest Holocaust story of 6 million Jews (there had been several stories of 6 million Jewish Holocaust in the past) to manipulate and to dictate the foreign policies of European countries and of the US.